Friday, September 5, 2008

2-3 topics i am interested in

I would like to blog about martial arts. When you want to learn martial arts there are a few ways to do it you can either learn it from a book, from the Internet, from movies, or by going to martial arts classes, you could also use all four of these methods. I would like to talk about what to be wary of when dealing with these four methods.
BOOK: when buying a book there are two things to look for. 1 be sure that what the book teaches is what you want to learn. Some people buy books that just say "learn tai kwon do in an hour" or something like that but really don't teach you anything you can easily or personally use in self defence. 2 when pictures are used be sure that you can interpret how the person is moving because sometimes it is impossible to figure out how the pictures are telling you to move.
INTERNET: when using the internet I would recommend youtube for half of the information needed then go ahead and search on yahoo and google for a couple hours of the day, but only if you want to spend most of the day doing it.
MOVIES: you really can't rely solely on movies if you want to actually win in a fight but if you want to try to bluff your way out of one then movies are kind of useful "almost"
MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES: most recommended method but there are still many things that can go wrong. 1 you must decide on what you want to learn before choosing an appropriate school. If you want to do hand to hand combat or learn how to beat someone who has a knife then choose accordingly. 2 before actually paying for classes you should go to the dojo or empty warehouse or wherever the place is and watch all the people who are already attending and see what they do and how they are taught. If it looks like the owner, grandmaster, sensei is the only one teaching then that is good but if the grandmaster lets other blackbelts teach then it usually isn't as good.
3 you should speak with the sensei for a while about the time schedule, what he/she charges per month, belt test, and for the price on the uniform, and how he/she decides on when students are ready for the next belt. 4 important! Use your gut instinct/common sense to figure out if the sensei is in this profession to really teach or if he/she is just in it for the money, also many people are intimidated by martial arts instructors, don't be intimidated, they can't hurt you so if you feel like he/she does not respect you or is not teaching properly or is in this only for the money then don't be afraid to tell it to his/her face but don't try to make it seem like you are verbally attacking him/her just say it casually because it really is about self respect and respect for others.
P.S. martial arts is not a hobby it is a way of life.
P.S.S. if you have long nails you will probably have to clip them almost down to the skin.

1 comment:

Reechoo said...