Friday, October 17, 2008

A Good website about Elie Wiesel and the Holocaust
The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity is about equality and tolerance and combating indifference.
It talks about Elie Wiesel and his life after the holocaust and also about darfur and it has its own darfur refugee program for refugees from the genocide in Darfur who have been given safe haven in Israel.
Some interesting things I found out on the website: 1 Wiesels book Night was originally called La Nuit. It was also translated into thirty languages.
2 In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Elie Wiesel as Chairman of the President's Commission on the Holocaust. ;)
3 Elie Wiesel is the author of more than forty books of fiction and non-fiction. <:0

I had no Idea Elie Wiesel did so many things. I just thought he was so popular because he lived through the holocaust and wrote ONE BOOK about the holocaust. @_@

So overall this is an awesome website and whoever reads this should go there. now. I said Now. Why are you still reading this? go to the website already.
wow you really are a tough nut to crack. alright I give up you go do whatever you want I'll be over there waiting for something cool to happen. #~# peace =p

Poem Cockroach Prince

Wake up you’re dead
I’m just a third-rated star covered in blood
See the prince on the rocking horse, his polished face looks so cool
I’m just going to spill my guts on you
Under the name of Justice
You can’t break my soul
Under the name of Justice
Think, you moron
Fall out of line you cockroach
Right, left, front, and back, it overflows with despair and pain
They say this anger, this emotion, and this passion is all a lie
Wither Wither Wither
I’m not even trying to justify myself
The dark dark Sunday, the blood stains
You can’t save yourself
The dark dark Sunday, the blood stains
This is the last time
Welcome to the garden of destruction
even the voice cannot be heard in the dark
soon we'll see what kind of a man you are
The Dark Dark Sunday, the blood stains
You can't save yourself
The dark dark Sunday, the blood stains
The night is cold and long
The night sky is deep and wide

Monday, October 13, 2008

post on two holocaust links

Q: How long did the Russians take to die?
A: I do not know. I only obeyed orders. SS
Q: How long did it take to gas the Russians?
A: I returned after two hours and they were all dead. SS
Q: For what purpose did you go away?
A: That was during lunch hour. SS

SS-Unterscharführer Wilhelm Bahr

Are Germans really that stupid? considering I am 1/10 German I really hope not.

"After winning a gold medal at the winter Olympics in 2006, speed skater Joey Cheek committed himself to drawing attention to Darfur by enlisting athletes to speak out on the crisis there."
Now that is what a human being is suppose to do.
"His visa to attend the Beijing Olympics was revoked by the Chinese authorities."
Now that is not something a human should do.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poem of Genocide

Even innocent people
Are lashed by the lukewarm rain and wounds take root
Lies are born now
And somewhere they cease to be lies
At some point, words and even this day
Has become buried in mistakes
Embracing a blue, unblemished memory
In the tears of this violent emotion, even my lust is blurred
Even the strength to live in the present…
The violent emotion sends me crazy, and I grieve
Holding up my wish to the evening sun
Burning from the inside
Crying with pain.
You can’t save me
In the tears of this violent emotion, the tenderness I lost
Is born and I’m given love
It must be because of my own weakness
That I lost my heart?
It's then the proof of sadness, caused by absolute injustice
In the lukewarm rain which does not stop.

Response to America and the Holocaust

I can see that America has always been like this. Stupid America thinks all the worlds problems are just going to "go away". Just like Darfur America just didn't want to do anything. why? I'll tell you why. It's because America is greedy and pathetically lazy that's why! Although that's not all America is. America is practically based on genocide. Early American settlers committed genocide against Native Americans and if America were to punish all the acts of genocide then America would have to be punished as well! I am so angered by this that I think I will make a poem about it maybe.